At Girl Scouts of Gateway Council we prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging across Girl Scouts so that ALL GIRLS -- from every social, cultural, economic, intellectual, and developmental sphere, including those with physical limitations -- can feel a sense of belonging with us. This is just one way that we work towards making the world a better place, as we have for over 100 years.
Girl Scouts builds leaders who create equitable communities - which is why we center racial justice in all that we do. Racism has no place in the lives of future generations, and certainly should not prohibit any girl or Girl Scout from full participation in the premier leadership organization that uplifts girls, especially the historically under-represented.
We deliver on this promise by challenging norms so that we can continuously build a more relevant and equitable Girl Scout experience that embraces fresh perspectives and innovation from our rich cultural legacy.
We’re stronger together. By acknowledging the diversity, heritage, and contributions of our multicultural communities, Girl Scouts can find new ways to make the world a better place for everyone.
Now, Girl Scouts of all levels, your friends, and your leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn each segment of this fun patch. Whether they choose to do one or all of them, you’ll discover interesting new things about your neighbors—and yourself.