Interested in serving on one of our Governance committees or becoming a Board member? We would love to hear your interests. Just complete the Board Member Application!
Delegates and alternate delegates serve as the primary communication link between area Girl Scout members, community networks and Gateway Council's Board of Directors. They also gather opinions about governance matters; elect board members, Board Development Committee members and national council delegates; and approve changes to the council’s bylaws.
Each spring – usually in April – Girl Scouts of Gateway Council holds its Annual Meeting. At the meeting, delegates and council members are invited to listen to a “state-of-the-council” address by our board president and CEO, as well as vote on incoming board members, participate in feedback forums, and more.
2024 Annual Meeting Standing Rules
2024 Annual Meeting Agenda
2024 Slate Nominee Profiles
National Delegates serve for three years and attend the National Council Session, a meeting of Girl Scouts nationwide, which happens every three years. They attend the session, elect the National Board of Directors and Board Development Committee, approve changes to the Constitution or Bylaws of GSUSA, and vote on various proposals as representatives of Girl Scouting. They also generally participate in discussions in the run-up to the National Council Session in order to better represent the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council. National Delegates for the 2023 National Council Session were elected during the 2022 Annual Meeting and will serve until their successors are elected in 2025.
GSGC Governance and Policy Appendix
Summary of Roberts Rules of Order