Now that we’ve reached the end of Girl Scout Cookie Season, it’s important for girls to reflect and celebrate all that they accomplished! They set goals, made choices, managed cookie money, cultivated people skills, and honed their business ethics. While we know they weren’t doing it for the badge, badges can be a great way for them to visualize their progress as budding entrepreneurs. Below is a list of all the badges and awards girls might have earned while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie program.
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All Ages | Daisies | Brownies | Juniors | Cadettes | Seniors | Ambassadors
Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pins - Have fun with your family as you earn this award while running your Girl Scout Cookie® business. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Goal Setter – Decide how you will use your money, set goals and share them with real customers. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Money Explorer - Learn what paper money and coins are worth and how to use money to buy things. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My First Cookie Business - Find out how to sell cookies and get your customers excited for the new cookie season. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Money Choices - Find out about what you need or want and learn how to make smart choices with the money you spend! Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Budding Entrepreneur- Become an entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving your idea to make it the best it can be! Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Decision Maker- Learn to think like an entrepreneur by making decisions for your cookie business. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Cookie Customers - Find out how to get new customers and keep them coming back. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Collaborator - Learn to collaborate with your troop, community, and network to grow your cookie business. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Cookie Team - Bring your different skills and ideas together to meet your goals. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Innovator - Create bolder and bigger goals for your cookie business and find unique ways to connect with your customers. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Market Researcher - Explore your customers’ experience to help you reach more people and expand your business. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Cookie Venture - Learn to expand your knowledge of your business resources and customers and create a business plan that will guide you to your most successful cookie season yet. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Boss - Lead with confidence as you become the boss of your cookie business. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Cookie Network - Find out how to use your network to strengthen your customer base and take your business to the next level. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
Cookie Influencer - Become an authority on your cookie business and come up with new ways to share information so it makes a big impact. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.
My Cookie Business Resume - Find out how to showcase your cookie business accomplishments in a resume and portfolio. Get the requirements. Buy the badge.